The best fat loss exercise is hands down the deadlift.
Top 3 reasons why we deadlift at RxD:
1. Deadlifts are a total body exercise, working muscles from your toenails to your hair follicles. Deadlifts are a prime example of a compound movement; it uses nearly every muscle in your entire body, from your traps all the way down to your calves. If you program your deadlift training sensibly, it will make you a lot STRONGER from head-to-toe. In particular – your glutes, hamstrings, entire back, core, forearms and grip will get stronger. Deadlifts keep you walking tall and staying strong.
One Exercise – Every Muscle 🙂
2. Deadlifts elicit great hormonal responses that accelerates fat loss. Growth hormone release is at its’ highest following maximal resistance training e xercise that encompasses the greatest amount of muscle mass. Fat burning capability is dependent on metabolically active tissue (muscle), as well as the rate of activity within that tissue. By having extra muscle mass and by having it cranked up to high neural activity means you have a greater chance of burning fat and getting lean if you lift heavy. Deadlift to become a fat burning machine.
Deadlifts Work 🙂
3. The deadlift mimics real-life and sport situations. This application to real-life scenarios happens daily in picking things up off the ground, especially heavy objects that require a strong back and grip. Power and strength are the two defining characteristics that, when lost, determine function on old age. Losing power and strength limits your ability to do everything, from standing and sitting on the toilet to getting in and out of a car, to climbing stairs, and even breathing. Heavy deadlifts, when done properly, will help retain and even gain strength and power through the entire body, which improves functional outcome measures in old age, which promotes independence. Deadlifts will allow you to Live life to the fullest up until your last day!!!
65 Years Young – Deadlifting 🙂
In conclusion, every person should be performing a variation of a deadlift regularly. It is one of the best movements for building overall strength and muscle mass, as well as for improving every day and sport-specific performance. Here at RxD we make sure our clients are deadlifting and training to live life!! Come in today to get your lift on. 😉